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Infrared color-night vision database

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Time:2021-12-10   Font  A-  A  A+

Human vision is often adversely affected by complex environmental factors, especially in night vision scenarios. Thus, infrared cameras are often leveraged to help enhance the visual effects via detecting infrared radiation in the surrounding environment, but the infrared videos are undesirable due to the lack of detailed semantic information. In such a case, an effective video-to-video translation method from the infrared domain to the visible light counterpart is strongly needed by overcoming the intrinsic huge gap between infrared and visible fields.

To address this challenging problem, we propose an infrared-to-visible (I2V) video translation method I2V-GAN to generate fine-grained and spatial-temporal consistent visible light videos by given unpaired infrared videos. Technically, our model capitalizes on three types of constraints: 1)adversarial constraint to generate synthetic frames that are similar to the real ones, 2)cyclic consistency with the introduced perceptual loss for effective content conversion as well as style preservation, and 3)similarity constraints across and within domains to enhance the content and motion consistency in both spatial and temporal spaces at a fine-grained level. Furthermore, the current public available infrared and visible light datasets are mainly used for object detection or tracking, and some are composed of discontinuous images which are not suitable for video tasks. Thus, we provide a new dataset for I2V video translation, which is named IRVI. Specifically, it has 12 consecutive video clips of vehicle and monitoring scenes, and both infrared and visible light videos could be apart into 24352 frames. Comprehensive experiments validate that I2V-GAN is superior to the compared SOTA methods in the translation of I2V videos with higher fluency and finer semantic details.

This dataset will be open to the public in the form of "Paper + Git", please see the link below for details:

Thesis Address:

Data set address:

The researchers

The study was conducted by:

Kai Chen ( )

Shuigen Wang ( )

Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) 2021 Yantai Raytron Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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Yantai Raytron Technology Co., Ltd disclaims any warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The database provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and Yantai Raytron Technology Co., Ltd has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.


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