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Infrared image super resolution database

Welcome to use the real-world infrared image super-resolution database in IRay database

Time:2021-06-10   Font  A-  A  A+

Infrared imaging technology is that an infrared detector receiving infrared radiation (IR) emitted or reflected by an object, and forming observable images by photoelectric conversions. It has a wide range of applications in military and civil fields. Infrared imaging systems are lightly affected by external environment lighting condistions, with advantages of long detection distance and strong ability through smoke and haze. Depending upon these advantages, infrared imaging systems are widely applied in areas of security testing and quality inspection, together with replacing visible devices used in poor lighting or haze environment for 24 hours.

As the core component of infrared imaging system, infrared detector determines the resolution of captured infrared image. In recent years, although infrared detectors have experienced rapid development from dot element, line array to large array, the resolution of world-leading infrared focal plane detectors is still far lower than that of visible detectors. Overall, infrared imaging technology still can't meet the demand of high-quality images, due to the existence of low spatial resolution, low contrast and low signal-to-noise ratio of infrared image.

To address the above problems, this website provides a database of real infrared images with different resolutions in different scenes, including images with three different resolutions (384*288 low, 640*512 medium, and 1280*1024 high) captured by three different devices. Since the low resolution and high resolution images in this database are unpaired data, it can be used for developing blind super-resolution algorithms. This infrared image super-resolution database provides 6000 images, with 2000 images for each resolution. We hope that it could provide help for conducting real-world infrared image super-resolution reconstruction researches, to promote applications of infrared technology.

The researchers

The study was conducted by:

Qing Liu ( )

Zhaofei Xu ( )

Shuigen Wang ( )

Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) 2021 Yantai IRay Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

All rights reserved.

Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this database (the images, the results and the source files) and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the copyright notice in its entirety appear in all copies of this database, and the original source of this database, Raytron Technology Co., Ltd ( ), is acknowledged in any publication that reports research using this database. In no event shall Yantai IRay Technology Co., Ltd be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of this database and its documentation,even if Yantai IRay Technology Co., Ltd has been advised of the possibility of such damage.

Yantai IRay Technology Co., Ltd disclaims any warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The database provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and Yantai IRay Technology Co., Ltd has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.



We are making the real-world infrared image super-resolution database of infrared images available to the public for free. If you use this database in your research, We would appreciate your appreciation for the research done by our company:

Yantai IRay Technology Co., Ltd.

Database application

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You can fill in the above form to submit the application form for using this database to us. After the approval, the download address of this database will be sent to your email.

If you encounter any problems in downloading, viewing or using this database, please contact the maintenance staff of this website:Chunlei Guan( )

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