In the early stage, infrared technology was only confined to the military field. Along with the end of the Cold War, infrared technology began to enter the civil field. Recently years, with the rapid development of the world economy and infrared technology, together with the continuous cost down, infrared cameras will have a much broader market for both military and civil applications. However, towards now, there still lacks an open-source infrared image dataset or an infrared platform for researchers and infrared users around the world.
Inspired by the fact above, raytrontek aspires to cooperate with all partners hand in hand to promote the development and application of infrared technology, and to establish a win-win infrared ecology. Therefore, we decided to launch a community of thermal infrared image dataset, thermal image city and infrared exploration module. This community is committed to creating a useful information platform for researchers to share research contributions and discuss technical topics. People could obtain rich professional technical data, and enjoy sharing, exchange and downloading services. The "raytrontek Infrared Open-Source Platform" is constructed in both Chinese and English. The construction of the whole dataset platform will be carried in three phases. At present, the first phase has launched five databases for different applications, which can be used as the research basis for researchers, academics and partners. In the future, we will spend two to three years to gradually increase and optimize databases, continue to invest in key constructions for important industries, and finally build a platform with millions or even tens of millions of effective images. We sincerely invite all researchers and partners to participate in the construction of this public infrared society.